Believing God Beth Moore Sandra Burr 9781596001121 Books

Believing God Beth Moore Sandra Burr 9781596001121 Books
I love Beth Moore's books. I read them as devotional material whenever I travel (as opposed to my at home devotions which require Bible, notebook, and pen). I believe she is Biblically solid and very conversational in her style. This book is very appropriate for someone just beginning the Christian journey as well as those who have been Christians for years.
Tags : Believing God [Beth Moore, Sandra Burr] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. “Is it working? Your belief system, that is. Is it really working? God’s intention all along has been for the believer’s life to work. From divine perspective toward terrestrial turf,Beth Moore, Sandra Burr,Believing God,Brilliance Audio,1596001127,Christian Life - General,AUDIO,Biblical Studies - General,Christian Ministry - Discipleship,Faith,InspirationalDevotional - Christian,Non-Fiction,RELIGION Christian Living General,Religion,Religion Christian Life Spiritual Growth,ReligionEthics,Unabridged Audio - Misc.Nonfiction
Believing God Beth Moore Sandra Burr 9781596001121 Books Reviews
It is very good, but I admit I didn't ave time to put my all into it and at the time was doing it all alone by myself and you really should do this with a small group and not by yourself to get more out of it, especially with the video that goes with it.
This is an amazing book. It consoles, encourages, and guides you in your walk with God. It helps to dispel the disbelief and reasons why we don't trust God. It has helped to restore my relationship with God . I can't wait to read it again.
I read this during the time my husband is in a critical care unit. He is still here in a life threatening situation. The emphasis on faith has help me accept no matter the outcome Gods is working in the situation. I found this book challenging but comforting. Thank you
Beth Moore has written many inspirational books that help strengthen our faith and Christian walk. This is one of her best. She goes into 5 basic principals of Who God is and how we can grow stronger by following Him. Believe God is Who He says he is. Believe God can do what He says He can do. I am who God says I am. I can do all things through Christ. God's Word is alive and active in me. So often we forget many of these principals as we go through life, feeling at times like we're strictly on our own. No so - God is always with us if we have trusted Christ as our Savior. He will always give us the strength we need if we will only give our struggles to Him and allow Him to lead and guide us. I highly recommend this book for everyone who is struggling today. And who isn't?
There is a difference between believing IN God and believing God. Beth Moore, in her usual frank, often funny, always challenging way reminds me that God is who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do. I have read this book more than once as a beginning point with young women that I mentor. It’s not just for their benefit; I am challenged every single time.
Believing God by Beth Moore is powerful. Don't be fooled by the fact that it appears just to be ink on paper... this is spiritual dynamite. Don't buy it unless you want your life to be changed - dramatically. If you are a believer experiencing a lackluster life in Christ, this is your remedy. If you've been a crippled Christian - this is the intensive therapy you need to exercise your spiritual muscles and regain the strength to stand so you can throw away your crutches and walk the walk. I first came across this as a book on cd and listened to it over and over while I learned to apply the simple, practical biblical practices Beth Moore outlines and teaches. Then I bought the book for myself as a permanent resource to keep on hand. Then I bought a copy in paperback for a friend in prison to help him learn from Beth Moore and let what she share transform his walk with Jesus. Buy it, borrow it, download it, whatever. Get it. Learn it. Live it. You'll be so glad you did and you'll be grateful for Beth Moore's "Believing God."
I love this book as it brought me out fear and helped me established more faith in God. Beth provided an awesome message to believe God for He is who He said He is! He can do whatever He said He can do. I internalized the 5 faith boosting statement that I say throughout my day to remain focus on God's promises and protection. It doesn't matter how big or small your situation is; all you have to do is ask and commune with him everyday! This book gave me peace as I went through my season growth. I was able let go and let God direct my path. I was able smile through my challenges, knowing that everything will workout according to God's purpose and will for my life. I'm eternally grateful for Beth's guidance. Love you Beth! May God continue to bless you and shine down on you so that others may know of and experience His good works!!!!
I love Beth Moore's books. I read them as devotional material whenever I travel (as opposed to my at home devotions which require Bible, notebook, and pen). I believe she is Biblically solid and very conversational in her style. This book is very appropriate for someone just beginning the Christian journey as well as those who have been Christians for years.

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