Unravel Me Shatter Me Tahereh Mafi Books

Unravel Me Shatter Me Tahereh Mafi Books
3.5 Stars. I didn’t like this book as much as the first one, but having read the third book I can definitely say it’s worth reading Unravel Me to finish the series. This story takes a different turn in this book. Shatter Me felt more dystopia, this book felt more like X-men, which was cool, just very different. We see all of the characters growing up in this book. They take on new responsibilities, especially Juliette. Some characters grow closer while others grow apart.Though Juliette’s relationships were a huge part of the plot in this book, like the first, Unravel Me focused a little more on the world that Juliette lives in and how Juliette can affect that world and help people. Still though, the heart of this story was with it’s characters.
I started to really love Kenji in this book, but he also seriously frustrated me when he complained about Juliette and Adam’s relationship. I get that Adam and Juliet were dramatic at times, but I felt like Kenji lost sight of how important Adam was to her. He acted like she was just any other girl with a boyfriend. But, that’s not what Adam was to her. For Juliette, losing Adam mean losing the ability to touch another human being. It meant being deprived of an entire aspect of love and affection. I just got annoyed with Kenji trivializing that. But, we also see Kenji and Juliette spending more time together in this book and the beginning of a great friendship starts to develop.
Spoiler: Juliette’s breakup with Adam was totally heartbreaking, and completely real. I liked that they tried to make it work, but things just kind of fell apart around them. As the book went on I kept wanting for them to get back together, but there was this moment when it just felt like too much time had passed. They’d missed their chance, and that was awful, but from that point on it just felt like it wouldn’t be the same if they got back together. I just loved how real it was.
The romance that starts to bloom between Warren and Juliet threw me at first. I enjoyed seeing another side of Warren’s personality, but I really hated him in the first book, so I didn’t like the idea of them being together. However, as the story went on he started to win me over. I also enjoyed that his character didn’t change too easily or too quickly. Spoiler: And, their almost-sex scene at the end was totally hot.
The end of this book left me rethinking who these characters were. Juliette is figuring out who she is and thrown into a social world for the first time. She grows up a lot. And, both Adam and Warner surprised me. I was left thinking that neither one of them were exactly who I thought they were in the first book.

Tags : Amazon.com: Unravel Me (Shatter Me) (9780062085535): Tahereh Mafi: Books,Tahereh Mafi,Unravel Me (Shatter Me),HarperCollins,0062085530,Dystopian,Romance - General,Science Fiction - General,Ability,Ability;Fiction.,Dictatorship,Love,Love stories,Love;Fiction.,Man-woman relationship,Science fiction,Science fiction.,Soldiers,Action & Adventure - General,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, any,Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage),Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,TEEN'S FICTION THRILLER,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Young Adult FictionScience Fiction - General,Action & Adventure - General,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Young Adult FictionScience Fiction - General,Fiction,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage)
Unravel Me Shatter Me Tahereh Mafi Books Reviews
Oh what a wild ride we go on in the follow-up to Shatter Me. Unravel Me starts right after the conclusion to Shatter Me.
Juliette is struggling to adjust to life at Omega Point, while it seems that her friends blended seamlessly into their new lives. Instead of discovering more about her abilities and learning about the world she was shut off from for so long, she shuts herself down. She deals with grief and fear in the only way she knows how, by distancing herself from the other inhabitants of Omega Point.
While Juliette drives me insane at times because she just can’t seem to get it together we are constantly reminded that this is a girl who literally cannot touch other people or they will die. This is a girl who was abandoned and hated by her parents, shipped from place to place before eventually ending up in that asylum/prison. When putting her life into perspective it’s easy to see why it’s just so hard for her to adapt to a new world where people surround her constantly.
Kenji is a great source of humor in these books and much needed or else we would just have Juliette’s anxieties and her burning love for Adam and that’s about it. Kenji is the best friend we all want. He is strong, kick ass, hilarious, and fiercely protective. He’s also not afraid to call someone out. He never lets Juliette go too far into her own mind and wants nothing more than to bring her to a place where she can learn and embrace her abilities. He wants what the readers wants; for Juliette to finally accept herself and grow strong and confident.
Unravel Me starts the love triangle that wasn’t really present in Shatter Me. Warner and Adam are two totally different guys. Adam is a sweet guy who wants nothing more than to make Juliette happy and to love and be loved by her. Warner is a psychopath who had Juliette removed from her cell in the first book and brought to his military base in order to use and manipulate her…at least that’s what we thought.
When Warner shows up in Unravel Me I was just as confused about what was going on as Juliette was. Some of those scenes were on fire and had me rooting for Warner and Juliette so bad while the entire time Adam was in the back of my mind reminding me that Juliette already found her soul mate. These scenes will confuse any reader. Warner and Juliette share a level of understanding that Adam and her can never have. The two former enemies connect on deep soulful level, while Adam who has done nothing but love Juliette can only see the things he wants to see. My poor heart was just as confused as Juliette while watching her try to navigate it. Better her than me!
Overall this book was very good and I loved being able to delve further into Juliette’s story and watch her try to navigate a world she doesn’t fit into.
I didnt know where to start when reviewing this book. It still has beautiful imagery in the writing. The connections made between sentences feel very much like gambled thoughts that flow together from one concept to the next before reaching a completely different conclusion. Jumbled ramblings that ultimately make sense. And despite being jumbled, they’re poetic and smart. They make you think and change your perceptions. So it was definitely and interesting read.
The problem that I had with this one verses the last, is that I find the main character to be weak. It was understandable in the last book. She just escaped from one cell to find herself in another with a madman. Spent almost a year in isolation and she was tired and hungry and weak and abused. Now she’s out. And she seems to flip from one way of thinking to one entirely different. Completely undecided on how she feels about any one thing, whether it be her love interest or the way she feels about the rain. She seems more lost in this book then she did in the last.
The love interest thing is super frustrating. I’m fairly certain she doesn’t like ether of them. Just likes the contact of another human being. Whichever boy in directly in front of her, telling her that she’s perfect, is the one that she loves. She been so starved for attention that she allows even the smallest affections to sway her. She does make the connection that she needs to be stronger, but I don’t think it was something she took seriously.
Despite my objections to the main characters state of mind, it was still a good read. It kept my interest enough that I happily finished the book. I’m undecided on whether I care enough to finish the series. Which is sad, since I have invested in reading 2 out of the 3 books already.
3.5 Stars. I didn’t like this book as much as the first one, but having read the third book I can definitely say it’s worth reading Unravel Me to finish the series. This story takes a different turn in this book. Shatter Me felt more dystopia, this book felt more like X-men, which was cool, just very different. We see all of the characters growing up in this book. They take on new responsibilities, especially Juliette. Some characters grow closer while others grow apart.
Though Juliette’s relationships were a huge part of the plot in this book, like the first, Unravel Me focused a little more on the world that Juliette lives in and how Juliette can affect that world and help people. Still though, the heart of this story was with it’s characters.
I started to really love Kenji in this book, but he also seriously frustrated me when he complained about Juliette and Adam’s relationship. I get that Adam and Juliet were dramatic at times, but I felt like Kenji lost sight of how important Adam was to her. He acted like she was just any other girl with a boyfriend. But, that’s not what Adam was to her. For Juliette, losing Adam mean losing the ability to touch another human being. It meant being deprived of an entire aspect of love and affection. I just got annoyed with Kenji trivializing that. But, we also see Kenji and Juliette spending more time together in this book and the beginning of a great friendship starts to develop.
Spoiler Juliette’s breakup with Adam was totally heartbreaking, and completely real. I liked that they tried to make it work, but things just kind of fell apart around them. As the book went on I kept wanting for them to get back together, but there was this moment when it just felt like too much time had passed. They’d missed their chance, and that was awful, but from that point on it just felt like it wouldn’t be the same if they got back together. I just loved how real it was.
The romance that starts to bloom between Warren and Juliet threw me at first. I enjoyed seeing another side of Warren’s personality, but I really hated him in the first book, so I didn’t like the idea of them being together. However, as the story went on he started to win me over. I also enjoyed that his character didn’t change too easily or too quickly. Spoiler And, their almost-sex scene at the end was totally hot.
The end of this book left me rethinking who these characters were. Juliette is figuring out who she is and thrown into a social world for the first time. She grows up a lot. And, both Adam and Warner surprised me. I was left thinking that neither one of them were exactly who I thought they were in the first book.

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