Dark Prince The Carpathians Dark Series Book 1 Christine Feehan 9780843955286 Books

Dark Prince The Carpathians Dark Series Book 1 Christine Feehan 9780843955286 Books
I think people forget that this author was one of the breakout writers in paranormal/vampire romance back in the day. And that day was a loong, long time ago.I read this series when there were only a handful of books and got an itch one night for a reread. Then saw some harsh reviews which I think were unfair. The romance paranormal/vampire genre has blossomed and changed since this novel was written. Are there some better ones out there? Sure. But considering the time in which it was written its still fantastic.
There's a history with a solid background on where the vampires came from and a plot/romance that moves along at a great pace. An alpha male that is trying to save his people and a woman that knows how to handle herself.
Still a good read many years after publication and still a fan.

Tags : Dark Prince (The Carpathians (Dark) Series, Book 1) [Christine Feehan] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In a vampire romance set in the Carpathian Mountains, a mysterious and darkly sensual stranger appears in the life of an unsuspecting American psychic. Reprint.,Christine Feehan,Dark Prince (The Carpathians (Dark) Series, Book 1),Leisure Books,0843955287,American Light Romantic Fiction,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Fantasy,Romance - Fantasy,Romance: Gothic
Dark Prince The Carpathians Dark Series Book 1 Christine Feehan 9780843955286 Books Reviews
I read this book when it first came out. I am recently reading again since it is on sale and I am rebuying old books in e-form.
I didn't realize before what a dumb childish, impulsive broad Raven was. She irritated me to no end.
There was nothing about her character that was appealing. All she was, was a blow up cute doll come to life, who happened to be psychic and therefore could be converted from human to Carpathian successfully without becoming a deranged vampiress.
Sex, sex and more sex that's all she was good for. The author wrote her character as a mindless twit with the naivete and impulsive nature if a toddler. She demands that Mikhail, the lifemate understand her, but she makes no attempt at patience and understanding with him. She just whines and cries a lot about being independent, yet she show time and time again, she has no good judgment. Sounds like teenager behavior to me. Perhaps Christine was subconsciously incorporating the attitude and behaviors of her teenaged kids into Raven's character because in no way did she come off as the grown mature intelligent woman she kept declaring herself to be.
Even after getting stabbed in the stomach 5 times, the very next night she wakes she stupidly leaves the safety of the house for no reason other than she felt caged in.
She has no sense. She cried at the drop of a hat.
Seriously Raven irritated me to no end. She was too childish to be a lifemate.
Mikhail was controlling and domineering. The usual strongly protective dominent male of the Carpathian race. He was enraged over the thought of another man touching Raven even though he was a stranger to her and had no claims on her. He said she defied him early on in the novel when she hadn't done anything at that point but simply sit in the tavern with fellow patrons eating a meal. How was that defiance? Yet he was patient with Ravens childish silly ways. And despite his controlling ways, he didn't get in my nerves nearly as much as Raven.
This book was somewhat uncomfortable. The relationship is not that if equals, rather it is like a father daughter relationship but with sex involved. That's unsettling.
Raven pouting arguing crying, Mikhail indulging, guiding domineering, controlling and then they have sex.
I have to wonder about the minds of these authors to write the dynamics of a supposed, husband/wife relationship, that us anything but.
YOU DON’T HAVE TO READ THIS SERIES IN ORDER! However, expect slight spoilers here and there. For instance, I just listened to Dark Prince, the first in the series, and then Dark Possession and heard that Mikhail’s brother Jock has a life mate…yay…but that was the extent of it and there are very few other references but not enough to confuse you. If anything, it makes you make note of the Carpathian you want to know more about and in turn know which book to read next. LOL
****SPOILERS**** This was a great introduction into the Carpathian Series. A lot was explained and revealed without being over whelming about their race and the structure of the people as a whole. The way the information was woven into the plot and the characters and who they are and why they do some of the things they do made it seamless.
It starts with Mikhail wanting to go into an eternal rest, which is different. You don’t see many books starting with someone wanting to commit suicide…in a manner of speaking. Then he hears a little voice that in effect talks him off the edge. Great start to a series.
Though it is in “modern” times, the way it read and where they are, the Carpathian Mountains, which is real by the way, it seems more old world or medieval. Lots of trees and an old inn in the woods is what I see, but it is still vivid.
I like the introduction of all the characters and definitely find myself picking which ones I want to know more about and in turn making note of which books they are in. Because this was the first, the story was great. All they dynamics are woven in and you are not bogged down by the romance, violence or the excessive use of the work c**k. LOL Wonderful balance. Raven was not too much of a mush and she showed a little more back bone then some of the other women in Feehan’s stories. I liked her. Mikhail is, well Carpathian. LOL As you read the books, you will see that is an adjective all it’s own. LOL
I would definitely recommend.
I think people forget that this author was one of the breakout writers in paranormal/vampire romance back in the day. And that day was a loong, long time ago.
I read this series when there were only a handful of books and got an itch one night for a reread. Then saw some harsh reviews which I think were unfair. The romance paranormal/vampire genre has blossomed and changed since this novel was written. Are there some better ones out there? Sure. But considering the time in which it was written its still fantastic.
There's a history with a solid background on where the vampires came from and a plot/romance that moves along at a great pace. An alpha male that is trying to save his people and a woman that knows how to handle herself.
Still a good read many years after publication and still a fan.

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