The Hookup Moonlight and Motor Oil Series Book 1 edition by Kristen Ashley Contemporary Romance eBooks

The Hookup Moonlight and Motor Oil Series Book 1 edition by Kristen Ashley Contemporary Romance eBooks
Did I read the same book as the five star reviewers?? Recycled drivel with no real plot. Returned for refund & reread Law Man for my KA fix. Older stuff sooooo much better with real people with real plots. Frankly could not care less about these two characters. Boring plus our heroines are beginning to talk like 18 yr. old frat boys. Ungloved? Unsafe sex within 4 hours after getting drunk with someone you just met? Does KA read the headlines of what's been happening to women out there in the real world??????. NOTE to women - taking a picture of the person you're leaving the bar with & sending it to a friend doesn't insure your safety. It just makes it easier for the prosecutor after the police find your raped/dead/dismembered body.
Tags : The Hookup (Moonlight and Motor Oil Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Kristen Ashley. Contemporary Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Kristen Ashley,The Hookup (Moonlight and Motor Oil Series Book 1),Fiction Romance Contemporary
The Hookup Moonlight and Motor Oil Series Book 1 edition by Kristen Ashley Contemporary Romance eBooks Reviews
I'm in the minority here, but I thought it was meh.
Starting with the authors writing style. It's very choppy and distracting to read. Too much description about stuff that doesn't matter. It felt very passive.
Switching from 1st to 3rd person is so annoying to me.
The dialog was the best part, but even that was confusing to read at times. Sometimes the dialog dragged as well.
The sex scenes were pretty hot, but really, that's it.
I thought Jonhny was a jerk. I did not find him endearing or charming at all. His POV was him being angry about something 80% of the time. "He felt pi$$ed" multiple times for things, I felt, he wasn't entitled to be pi$$ed about.
He was sorta misogynistic. He kept telling Izzy "I'm that kinda guy" with things like her lifting heavy stuff. Or taking care of her own horses. It got so annoying to me because she was doing it just fine without him there. Why did he deem her incapable once he got into the picture?
And he just COULD NOT stand all the pink girly stuff in her house. "Oh no! My b*lls are gonna fall off just looking at this stuff". Women are always seen as weak. Yet this guy, and many others, have their masculinity threatened just from looking at pink stuff? The f*** outta here.
He was also so flipping obsessed with money. He wanted to buy her all new things because she never had new stuff. Izzy grew up poor so she knew how to live within her means by finding deals on stuff. So she would take old things, other people didn't want anymore, and fix them up, clean them up, and make them beautiful. I thought it was insulting that he was insistent that she have all new stuff.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, BUYING SOMEONE STUFF IS NOT LOVE. It is not love. Nor is it romantic to me. Money and stuff do not equal love.
And I don't care how rich you are, buying $700 shoes is flipping stupid.
I liked Izzy, but she was a little too perfect. Perfect people in books get annoying. I end up eye rolling until my eyeballs get stuck in the back of my head.
She somehow managed to have all this free time taking care of a million animals, 3 acres of land, have an hour commute to and from work, and be the director of a department at work. It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Especially because she never actually seemed to be at work?
The story DRAGGED for so long. Nothing exciting happens. I was struggle busing pretty hard to get through the last 80%. The epilogue was a disappointment. Everything fell flat for me.
Obviously, a lot of people liked it, but it just wasn't my favorite.
I never thought I would write this about a KA book, but what was the purpose of writing the book--other than fulfilling a contract. The Hookup just sort of meanders through pages with gushy, overly sweet words. The plot is incredibly thin, with almost no drama. KA, where is your spirit? H and h are both so gorgeous; both so full of love and sweetness that they are not only unbelievable, but boring. Still it was a KA book and was a little better than complete junk. I just wish she would get her old creativity back and write real drama with realistic characters.
Blogger K.A. is back. She is finally writing like the old K.A.
Not even close. My last K.A book I said I was done and I should have remained that way. I will now. This book was even worse than the last one. Is that even possible? Yep. Did Kristen stop writing? Does someone else do it for her? So, this book is a Hookup. In case you forget that no worries, the author will remind you over and over. This book stars Johnny Gamble 54 times you will read the name Johnny Gamble and the rest just Johnny. Johnny Gamble lives in a place with a waterwheel, you will never forget this either since it is mentioned over a dozen times. The author tries to set up various conflicts and bad guys and ultimately fails very badly in K.A. like the Alpha saves the girl. The writing is horrible, even without the grammar issues. The characters are meh and then don't forget here's.......Johnny Gamble. Ack! His name is used so much you likely like me will forget the female lead. Izzy. There isn't much to her or memorable about her. She is very similar to the female character in the last book I read. Then insert you grunting, the inability to use a full sentence and on and on and on. Deanna's name is said so much I remember that. Then add the German term of endearment and puke a little. I was once a big K.A. fan. Now I hope to never see another book from her. You know how there are some great character actors? There are some authors out there that have that same ability with books. She used to be one of them. If a half star was an option, I would have gone that way.
KA set up all these drama triggers and didn't deliver. The crazy ex boyfriend who broke into her house? We never hear from him. The ex girlfriend who skipped town and left our hero heartbroken? We hear about her and are told about the confrontation but we don't get to experience it. Heck, even bringing the deadbeat dad into the story would of done something for it but no we get nothing. Just two people who fall in love and face zero true obstacles. Even the kidnapping was a couple pages and solved with no real trouble. Johnny Oh place a phone call and have your brother return the baby please. Shandra oh sure he'll give him back right away der der.(that's seriously how it happened even with the adlibbing I did).
I kept expecting SOMETHING but nothing ever happened. If you like almost insta love stories with no conflict this book is for you.
Did I read the same book as the five star reviewers?? Recycled drivel with no real plot. Returned for refund & reread Law Man for my KA fix. Older stuff sooooo much better with real people with real plots. Frankly could not care less about these two characters. Boring plus our heroines are beginning to talk like 18 yr. old frat boys. Ungloved? Unsafe sex within 4 hours after getting drunk with someone you just met? Does KA read the headlines of what's been happening to women out there in the real world??????. NOTE to women - taking a picture of the person you're leaving the bar with & sending it to a friend doesn't insure your safety. It just makes it easier for the prosecutor after the police find your raped/dead/dismembered body.

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